UI Health Biorepository

Welcome to the UI Health Biorepository (BIOR). It is co-managed by the UIC Department of Pathology and the Research Resources Center. The mission of the Biorepository is to develop and promote a collection of biospecimens as a research tool to advance clinical and translational research at UIC and improve public health.
The biorepository acquires, stores, catalogs, processes, analyzes, and provides tissue or other biological samples for investigators at UIC. It was established in 2012 as a resource in the UI Health system in collaboration with the RRC to augment clinical and translational research and improve the treatment and health of individuals from Chicago, Illinois, and beyond. The facility manages a centralized, secure, and 24/7-monitored freezer farm for biological storage, a centralized lab facility for processing and analysis, and the acquisition of biospecimens through PI-initiated studies. Any biospecimens remaining after analysis from PI-initiated studies can then be used for any unspecified future use if approved by a research oversight board. An Honest Broker is on staff to help with control and access to patient information.
Notice to all UI Health Biorepository Customers Heading link
Dear Colleagues,
The UI Health Tissue Biorepository, co-managed by the College of Medicine Department of Pathology and the Research Resources Center (RRC) housed in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, is undergoing a transition in leadership and administrative restructuring. Dr. Carlos Murga-Zamalloa, Assistant Professor of Pathology, will take on the role of faculty advisor, while Dr. Maria Sverdlov will become director of the Tissue Biorepository in addition to her current role as director of the Research Histology Core effective immediately. Dr. Donald Vander Griend, Associate Professor of Pathology, will join the Faculty Advisory Committee as well. Dr. Murga-Zamalloa and Dr. Sverdlov are building new workflows and notification processes to reduce wait times for project requests and ensure a seamless experience for users. For that reason, it is necessary during this set up period to pause taking on any new research protocols. In the coming weeks, an iLab UIC Biorepository site will be updated with new forms for submitting new project requests. All new requests will be accepted via iLab only.
Currently approved projects will remain active. To coordinate the procurement of specimens, please contact Barbara Russell (barbarar@uic.edu).
We apologize for any inconvenience, and we are committed to improving services throughout the Tissue Biorepository quickly and effectively. For any questions or concerns, please contact:
Carlos Murga-Zamalloa; catto@uic.edu
Yue Huang; yuehuang@uic.edu
Thank you,
Joanna L. Groden, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research
Sally Campbell-Lee, MD
Interim Head, Department of Pathology