Research Resources Center Organization
Research Resources Center has thirteen cores, which specialize in specific research techniques and areas, as well as three research support units. Support units work in collaboration with other cores to create all-in-one projects as well as offer specialized services to customers.
Bioanalytics, Biophysics, & Cytomics Division Heading link

Biophysics Core
The Biophysics Core offers three main categories of research and services: characterization of macromolecules using various biophysical instruments (SPR, ITC, DLS, CD & AUC), large-scale protein production, and macromolecular structural biology using X-ray crystallography and Cryo-EM in collaboration.

Flow Cytometry Core
The Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) is a full operational facility with seven flow cytometers. We provide flow cytometry services for analysis and sorting of cells, as well as training and expert consultation for project/experiment planning.

High-Throughput Screening Core
HTSC is one of the most important tools in modern-day drug discovery that helps to automate and miniaturize the assay process, thereby significantly decreasing the cost and time commitments.

Mass Spectrometry Core
Beyond making available state-of-the-art, user-friendly facilities and services, the MSC laboratory enables education, methods development, and new applications development, designed to meet the fast-pace needs of researchers.

NMR Core
The NMRC Core provides access for researchers, staff, and students to high sensitivity, high-resolution solution state NMR instrumentation for studies of protein function, biochemical processes and natural products characterization projects.

Genome Research Core
The Genome Research Core (GRC) with a full suite of services as well as access to shared equipment for individual use.

Research Informatics Core
The Research Informatics Core (RIC) at the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) provides advanced computing and statistical expertise to support the analytic activities related to genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics, metabolomics, and proteomics.

Cardiovascular Research Core
Provides advanced surgical and functional assessment services to create and evaluate rodent models of cardiovascular and pulmonary vascular disease.

Electron Microscopy Core
Provides cost-effective, safe and efficient access to state-of-the-art and core electron microscopy imaging and analytical characterization, and surface analysis by XPS or Raman.
Scientific Imaging & Nanotechnology Division Heading link

Fluorescence Imaging Core
Works to accommodate any biological research that requires light, deconvolution, confocal, TIRF, and/or widefield fluorescent microscopy.

Nanotechnology Core Facility
Provides services in a wide-ranging areas of MEMS/NEMS, electronic and photonic material device design and fabrication.

Preclinical Imaging Core
Houses a 31cm bore size 9.4T Agilent MRI system that can provide the full support of MRS and MRI studies in small animals (including mouse, rat, rabbit); a 129Xe hyperpolarizer that is being installed to provide high-purity, hyperpolarized 129Xe for gas phase magnetic resonance studies.

Research Histology and Tissue Imaging Core
Provides high throughput histological and digital microscopy imaging services for reproducible, automated analysis of biomarkers expression levels in human and animal tissues as well as for measurements of spatial and temporal features of biological objects.

Scientific Instrument Shop
Construct and repair all types of mechanical and electronic/electrical equipment for the research, teaching and clinical requirements.

Scientific Storeroom
We carry a wide variety of items for the research lab, ranging from molecular biology reagents to office supplies.

UI Health Biorepository
The biorepository acquires, stores, catalogues, processes, analyzes, and provides tissue or other biological samples for investigators at UIC.