
Instrumentation and services are available to all researchers inside and outside of the university.

All users are responsible for their own laboratory safety training to be current during each use of the core facilities.

Biophysics Core Instruments Heading link

Instrument NameManufacturerModelLocationTraining
Biacore T200Cytiva (former GE Healthcare)Biacore T200CfSB room 113Available
Biacore 8KCytiva (former GE Healthcare)Biacore 8KCfSB room 113Available
Integra VIAFLO384_96 Pipette HeadIntegraVIAFLO384CfSB room 113Available
Jasco 815 Circular Dichroism (CD)JascoJ-815-150SCfSB room 113Available
VP-ITC MicroCalorimeterMicroCal,LLCVP-ITCCfSB room 113Available
FPLC_AKTA PureCytiva (Former GE Healthcare)AKTA PureCfSB room 115Available
NanoDrop Micro-UV/Vis SpectrophotomenterThermo ScientificNanoDrop OneCfSB room 115Available
C25KC Incubator shakerNew Brunswick ScientificC25KCCfSB room 115Available
Inova 4200 Incubator shakerInova4200CfSB room 115Available
Beckman ProteomeLab XL-1 (AUC)BeckmanXL-1CfSB room 115Not Available
Centrifuge_Sorvall LYNX 4000SorvallLynx4000CfSB room 115Available
Emulsiflex C5 HomogenizerAvestinEmulsiflex C5CfSB room 118Available
Sonic Dismembrator Model500 SonicatorThermo Fisher ScientificModel 500CfSB room 118Available
Fisher Scientific 60 Sonic DismembratorThermo Fisher ScientificModel 60CfSB room 118Available
PerkinElmer Victor3V plate readerPerkinElmerVictor3V 1420-040CfSB room 118Available
C280 Azure BiosystemAzure BiosystemsC280CfSB room 118Not Available

Biophysics Core Services & Prices Heading link

Below are internal rates for UIC, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. External academic and commercial rates are 1.599X and 2X, respectively.

Please note that rates are subject to change.

Instrument rates for self-users Heading link

Instrument NameInternal UIC rateUnit
Biacore T200$200.16per day
Biacore 8K$225.12per day
Integra VIAFLO384_96 Pipette Head$7.5010 min
Jasco 815 Circular Dichroism (CD)$45.001 h
VP-ITC MicroCalorimeter$20.001 h
FPLC_AKTA Pure$27.501 h
NanoDrop Micro-UV/Vis Spectrophotomenter$3.755 min
C25KC Incubator shaker$1.001 h
Inova 4200 Incubator shaker$1.001 h
Beckman ProteomeLab XL-1 (AUC)$200.16per day
Centrifuge_Sorvall LYNX 4000$22.5030 min
Emulsiflex C5 Homogenizer$22.5030 min
Sonic Dismembrator Model500 Sonicator$22.5030 min
Fisher Scientific 60 Sonic Dismembrator$22.5030 min
PerkinElmer Victor3V plate reader$22.5030 min
C280 Azure Biosystem$7.5010 min

Biophysics Core Services Heading link

Below are internal rates for UIC, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. External academic and commercial rates for instruments and staff times are 1.599X and 2X, respectively. Consumables are same for all users.

Please note that rates are subject to change.

Service NameInstrumentStaff timeConsumablesData AnalysisEstimated UIC internal price
SPR service with Biacore T200$200.16/day4 h ($50.00/h)$150.00/day1 h ($91.00/h)$641.16 for 4 analytes in duplicates excluding chip price
SPR service with Biacore 8K$225.12/day4 h ($50.00/h)$230.00/day1 h ($91.0/h)$837.12 for 4 analytes in duplicates excluding chip price
CD service2 h ($45.00/h)1 h ($50.00/h)$5.00/run0.5 h ($91.00/h)$147.51/sample,
$82.50/additional sample
ITC service7 h ($20.00/h)4.5 h ($50.00/h)$23.00/run0.5 h ($91.00/h)$402.86/sample with buffer control
Assay Service (ATPase, Kinase, Protease, and Thermal shift assay)$45.00/h$50.00/h$91.00/hPrice can vary depending on how much staff time & consumables are required 
Enzyme Assay_IC50 determination0.5 h ($45.00/h)4 h ($50.00/h)$45.56/run1 h ($91.00/h)$375.29 for 4 samples in triplicates, $47.50/additional sample

Protein over-expression and Purification Heading link

Large-scale protein purification service is offered to users who need purified proteins for SPR, High-Throughput Screening (HTS), and structural biology (X-ray crystallography and NMR).  AKTA Pure FPLC enables us to purify 2-3 different proteins at a time using a well-optimized two-step (HisTrap and Size-exclusion columns) purification protocol.

Below are internal rates for UIC, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. External academic and commercial rates for instruments and staff times are 1.599X and 2X, respectively. Consumables are same for all users.

Please note that rates are subject to change.

Service NameEstimated UIC internal priceUnit
Transformation into BL21DE3 or Rosetta2DE3$75.001 plasmid
Prepare glycerol stock$25.001 plasmid
Protein Mini-expression test $180.001 protein, $70/additional sample
1-2L over-expression$200.001 protein
Purification_Cell lysis-Affinity (HisTrap, or GSTtrap)$700.001 protein
Purification_SEC (16/60 SD75 or SD200 or 26/60 SD200)$239.00 for 16/60 SD75 or SD200 1 protein
$291.65 for 26/60 SD200
Tag cleavage & reload$200.001 protein
Purification_FPLC run_Affinity service$258.301 protein
Purification_FPLC run_Ion Exchange Service$270.301 protein

Trainings Heading link

Below are internal rates for UIC, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. External academic and commercial rates are 1.599X and 2X, respectively.

Please note that rates are subject to change.

Instrument Name1 person2 people in a group3 people in a groupUnit
SPR BiacoreT200 or 8K for new users$329.27$230.49$181.101 person
SPR Biacore 8K for T200 users$209.79$146.85$115.381 person
Integra VIAFLO384 Pipette Head$27.30$20.48$16.681 person
Jasco 815 Circular Dichroism (CD)$91.68$64.18$49.621 person
VP-ITC MicroCalorimeter$240.60$168.42$132.331 person
FPLC_AKTA Pure$255.60$178.92$140.581 person
NanoDrop Micro-UV/Vis Spectrophotomenter$12.63$8.84$6.951 person
C25KC Incubator shaker$9.23$6.46$5.081 person
Inova 4200 Incubator shaker$9.23$6.46$5.081 person
Centrifuge_Sorvall LYNX 4000$14.03$9.82$7.721 person
Emulsiflex C5 Homogenizer$90.22$63.16$49.621 person
Sonic Dismembrator Model500 Sonicator$60.15$42.10$33.081 person
Fisher Scientific 60 Sonic Dismembrator$60.15$42.10$33.081 person
PerkinElmer Victor3V plate reader$57.65$40.35$31.711 person

Macromolecular Structural Biology Heading link


Biophysics core will assist research projects needing macromolecular structure determination and the biophysical characterization of proteins in collaboration using X-ray crystallography (at Argonne) and Cryo-EM (at University of Chicago). Please contact Hyun Lee (